Monday, June 1, 2009

www..... wide wonderful world

What is education? Is it obtaining a degree and then just stoping there ? Or is it more? Is it learning new things that are applicable in your life? Is it the approach of life? Is it the journey to adapt a new environment? Is it trying something new, falling down and trying again at a different perspective? Is it trying something new, failing, getting up and try again with the same diversity and method? Or is it just something that is required and needed drilled into your mind by your parents snce young?

Well to me, its probably all the above but the first 2 and the last. Education is learning things that are applicable in your life. Well, first and foremost, you don't learn to cry, but you certainly learn to walk. First, you probably would have crawled. I do not think anybody, no not even superman or any other comic hero walk straight away. Walking. Something so simple, but yet, we need to start somewhere right? Well the best answer would probably be in our house. Then u started to eat. Well now that you are a grown up, you probably do not need your parents or someone older to spoonfeed you right? You can do it yourself, just nible bite and finally swallow. Easy right? Applicable? Well, what do you think?

Second question, is it the approach to life? Every one in the world has a sole purpose. Theres a phrase in the bible, again I do not know word for word or where is it but it goes like this, before you were born, I know the path you are going to take. I know what is it tht you are asking for even before you speak. How awesome is that? Well what's the next step I wonder? Well easy, moulding us to be who we are to be in this society. Different people have different strengths. Otherwise I wonder what this world will be like. Hang on, I can't even imagine. SORRY. a whole world full of mathematicians and chessmasters. How redundant?

A journey to adapt a different environment. Well, I think the statement speaks for itself. Usually, people will be lambasted with obstacles. Well too bad. DEAL WITH IT! This world can never be perfect. No one can be perfect. If we all are, we wouldn't need to go through question 1 and 2. We are perfect as to what the lord God sees us to be. Again how awesome is that? We are not perfect by nature. Come on, be truthful to me, how many times have you lied in your life? I know I for one though I try my hardest not to I have let my tongue slip at least once. Sinful creatures, yet forgiven. Jesus died on that cross for a reason. But i'm not talking on that in much detail but rather to reaffirm that he died for our sins. So how perfect are we? So anyway, its like you go on to a journey like any other RPG (insert final fantasy tune). Then you just have to adapt a new environment, be it a new area in order to defeat some unknown enemy or for the greater good or juz to save the world. Ok this is starting to get weird. Just super duper weird. Sorry.

On to the last 2 questions that I am going to write on hand to hand on. FAIL. The one word that people fear. What is the mother of success? Pass? Perfect? NO! It's failure. People fail. Its normal. Look at Thomas Edison sure he passed. He made a light bulb. He is remembered for that. But what makes him special? I don't know about you, but I think what makes him special is the fact that he failed 1000 times before he made a light bulb. How would you feel if you failed a thousand times? Personally, I'd probably abandon my plan. But no thats not what Thomas Edison did. He did it again and again till he found a way. If theres a will theres a way right? So, whether you do it with method A or method B it doesn't really matter as long as you have learnt your past mistakes and lived with it. No one's going to remember the fact that you failed. If you failed you failed. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Just remember this name. Drum rolls please!!!!!! THOMAS EDISON. What does this has to do with my topic you may ask? Well it just shows that learning from your past mistakes is important.

So I will just conclude here. What is education? I'll just make a small list so that it is easy to remember.

a) learning new things applicable in life
b) approach of life
c) adapting a new environment
d) to get up and move on when you fail

Its a journey. Education never stops. The amount of knowledge is probably negligable to what you learn over your life. But if you are really interested in something, go ahead, learn it up. It may not be useful but above all, it may be fun and enjoyable.

Amination anyone? Or even better script writing. Or song writing? Or ........ the possibilities humongous.... Just believe in yourself and above all, walk with the lord rather than the wrold. Who knows? He may grant you what you want, parralel with what He wants and above all, happinees.

I leave here for today with a song.
Miley cyrus ( The climb)

I can almost see it

That dream I'm dreaming but

There's a voice inside my head sayin,

You'll never reach it,

Every step I'm taking,

Every move I make feels

Lost with no direction

My faith is shaking but I

Got to keep trying

Got to keep my head held high

There's always going to be another mountain

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Always going to be an uphill battle,

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose,

Ain't about how fast I get there,

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing,

The chances I'm taking

Sometimes might knock me down but

No I'm not breaking

I may not know it

But these are the moments that

I'm going to remember most yeah

Just got to keep going

And I,

I got to be strong

Just keep pushing on, cause

There's always going to be another mountain

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Always gonna be an uphill battle,

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose,

Ain't about how fast I get there,

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

It's the climb (yeah)

There's always going to be another mountain

I'm always gonna wanna make it move

Always gonna be an uphill battle,

Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose,

Ain't about how fast I get there,

Ain't about what's waiting on the other side

It's the climb (yeah yeah ea ea)

Keep on moving

Keep climbing

Keep the faith baby

It's all about

It's all about

The climb

Keep the faith

Keep your faith

Whoa a oh oh

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