Friday, June 12, 2009

1 week to go and counting

This is it isn't it. You're in the battle field with just one bullet. Its now or never. Take aim, fire and hit the target. Sounds easy right? Your enemy? About the same scenario. One bullet left in this battle field.

As always in sports, be it chess, soccer or footy, its always the end game that counts. The trials are just there to prepare you for it. Its usually the final score that counts. In chess, you can have a material and position disadvantage but plan such a way that you checkmate your opponent. Look that's life. When the going gets tough, buckle up, suck it in and keep going.

There will be times in life you feel like giving up, times that youjust feel like its over, times when you feel that gone case, time that you feel every thing you do will be wrong, so wrong and no point any more.

I remember my lecturer saying this to me. What's the worst that could happen? I thought for a minute and went.... death?? His answer? Plain and simple. Well yeah but then again you won't die if you fail right? Its not the end of the world right? And sometimes looking bak pass the final exam, try your hardest and who knows you may pass it. :P

The best things in life at times is not the destination; end result. It is the journey. Learning everytime, getting new experiences.

1 comment:

  1. How true. not the destination but the journey. not the end results but the learning. i found that out recently.
