Sunday, November 8, 2009


Its oficial! I suck at chess and I'm not proud of it. I have been falling for tricks which I could see through at a point. Fell for the 4 step checkmate at a point. Don't remember how to counter a simple trap and above all I lost about a year of practise, all went down in the drain despite playing constantly for a while.

Now I'll relate this to a diffeerent aspect. In life, even when you feel you're on top you can feel that in a single moment you'll come crashing. Sometimes, you won't even realise it. I only realise I crashed at the end of this year. But then again, its human to crash but at the same time, a loser stays down a winner picks himself up despite the amount of setbacks and learn the ropes all over again and vow to be better.

Isn't that how we were meant to be to in our christian life? Backsliding isn't a one time hit asteroid falling from the earth. It's a gradual thing; like erosion of rocks. It just erodes slowly; after time. Realization is the first step. Taking action the second.

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