Monday, August 3, 2009

So free

It's ironic. Sometimes people have all the time in the world, yet people say busy. Busy cannot do this, busy cannot do that, busy cannot do something or another.

Yet everyone is given what, 24 hours a day. lets break down the 24 hours given.

8 hours of sleep
8 hours in university
8 hours of your leisure time

This is a rough estimate. Preparing food is sometimes depending on the person. During weekends you clean the house and its like what, an hour to 2 hours. You don't go to university or to work on weekends or even if you do, it's just half a day. So thst gives you a lot of time to do revision and do whatever you want. Sometimes, in christian life, we need something called discipline. I am not one of that calibre. I am still searching for that. Time just pass by in a flash. Its so quick that you don't realise it half the time. 24 hours is usually more than enough. All you need is something called discipline and something called perseverance. Perseverance so that you will continue to be disciplined and not disciplined one day and not another. Cheers.

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