Monday, June 15, 2009

How Ironic

I find it very ironic. Tabloids, tales, rumours. 3 things that people actually read and follow. It may not even be true. Look if I just said to my friend that Liverpool was on the brink to bankruptcy and its on the tabloids, everyone would believe it. Even if it was not the case. UNFORTUNTELY! So its a lie. All lies, unfortuately.

People are so keen in hearing about all this. On the other hand, in the bible there's this verse that I stumbled upon. Ok fine I searched it up.

Psalm 119:89
Your word, O LORD, is eternal;
it stands firm in the heavens.

Yet there are non believers out there some where.

No I am not looking into evangalism missionary or anything of that sort at this point in time. I am too young and need more guidance from THE ONE. (not Jet Li or Neo if you're thinking)

Eternal. What does that mean? Forever and for eternity. Isn't that truth enough? Truth. Something that news and tabloids hide. :D

Isn't that enough to stand firm on what is written in the bible?
Enough to go "wow".
This is true. Forget about the tabloids, forget about whatever that's happening in Hollywood that are fake or even the football transfer market that some deals just aren't meant to be. (sigh.... I wish it were though....)

On the other hand concentrate on other stuff that is more concrete. Ie your life or your walk with God.

There's a song in particular I want to insert.

Standing here, in Your presence
Thinking of the good things
You have done
Waiting here, patiently
Just to hear
Your still small voice again
Holy, righteous, faithful to the end
Saviour, healer, redeemer and friend

I will worship You for who You are
I will worship You for who You are
I will worship You for who You are

My soul secure,
Your promise sure
Your love endures always
My soul secure, Your promise sure
Your love endures always
My soul secure, Your promise sure
Your love endures always

Just look back at this song.

Waiting here, patiently
Just to hear
Your still small voice again.

That's how desperate you should be. Too bad the world isn't like this. Patiently. How long is it? Years? It doesn't matter kid.

ITS THE CLIMB................


Your promise sure
Your love endures always.

I know there will be rough patches at times, but seriously so what? Clay is so ugly. A pot on the other hand... hmmm.... nice and beautiful right. What does a clay go trough to go into that stance?

1 comment:

  1. bro! nice one. =) We are never too young to be God's hands and feet.
    1 Tim 4:12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
    keep shining! =)
