Sunday, June 21, 2009

Exam period

Wah! I just finished one paper yesterday. It went pretty ok. Not too bad or good. But still I have a tendency to go "hmmm...... ". It's not good you know. What's done is done. What's over is over. Haha. I wish it was that simple. I wonder what Noah is thinking about when God told him to make a boat as He is about to wipe out earth. Why? Next thing you know.... whoosh... gone in the wind....

Just because some people were wicked. I think theres two faces to this story.
1) Those who are wicked will pay his price nevertheless. I mean if you're blameless, He won't bring you any harm at all
2) Lean not in your understanding but trust God.

Noah built the ark nevertheless. I think people must be saying to him:

Siao ar you? Build boat for what? No cloud in the sky, no rain all sun. Ini orang sudah gila di la.
Next thing you know, gone. And could you imagine in the ark? Lions and tigers, snakes and goodness knows what other creatures. Sure attack you one for 150 days. But for some reason that didn't happen.

Let's take a look at another scripture.

Daniel 6: 21-21
Daniel answered, "O king, live forever! My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight. Nor have I ever done any wrong before you, O king."

Trust is all God asks for. Innocent in God's sight and always walk in faith with Him.

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