Saturday, June 27, 2009

Exam over

The first term of my university is over. Officially. Whoah. Haha . But that aside, it feels great! Here I am in Sydney, visiting my sister and going on an eating spree. Which makes me realise, things should always be done in moderaration. You eat and eat and eat until you're fat, then your heath will suffer and if you don't eat well, you'll die of starvation too.

I've been watching Chuck its pretty good but I realise sometimes if you stick your eyes on a computer screen or television too long, its going to damage your eyesight. Haha. Anyways, there's a few things I learnt here which I felt was really important. Think before you speak, think before you act. Listen. Some of the best people out there are good listeners. People sometimes don't need advise. They just need a shoulder to cry on or a wall to speak to which will react and understand their feelings. Otherwise, I'll be talking to the wall in my room whenever I have problems.

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