Thursday, September 17, 2009

If only.....

Its a new beginning.
It's been a while since I updated this. I can't be bothered at times.
I wonder sometimes about several things;
A) Who are we perceived in life?
B) Am I significant in life?
C) If I could turn back time what would I change?
D) What would happen if I had a girlfriend?

Everyone thinks they're significant in some way, some more significant than others. I don't deem myslef significant but if that was the case I won't be living now will I?
Who are we? We are nobodies in life. A fly on the wall. A fly who just zooms in and out, whenever we need people or are needed our time to shine comes if not we just will be there for the time being.
Life is simple. It shouldn't be complicated. I have but no regrets. I won't change my course of life for anything. Why change anything though? You learn trough mistakes and eventually grow.
What would happen if I had a girlfriend? That I do not know. I dream to know but I know its quite impropable.

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